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From the idea to success - 3 of 7

From the idea via the MVP (minimum viable product) to success with the help of a dedicated panel

Stay on the right path to profitable new services! The seven-part series shows you the way. Increase your chances of success.

Avoid risky trails through dangerous terrain. Avoid detours or delays. This series brings you safely forward.

For which situations is the procedure suitable?

  • You are dealing with new (digital) business models.
  • You are planning new digital services as a classic company.
  • You are expanding your portfolio with new digital services.

Part 1 is dedicated to the basics. Everything starts with good organisation: planning, outlining, arranging. The 2nd part deals with the synchronisation and development of questions. Now it's time for your own panel, to which you direct your questions in episode 3. In the previous part 4, you develop your minimum viable product, which you now present to your panel in part 5.


Third – Create your own panel – your overview

Panel means you have a group of people that you interview several times and with whom you discuss your progress.

At this point you should have

  • your personas,
  • your digital customer journey and
  • the knowledge
  • of where you can find this target group.

Now start to specifically invite appropriate peopleto your panel. Get the consent (opt-in) to use the contact data and answers.

Managing the panel participant data

Do you have the possibility to create an encapsulated pool in your CRM tool? Use that.

Otherwise, we recommend a pragmatic way of "abusing" a survey solution such as LimeSurvey. In it you can manage your participant data.

Manage panel participants

Provide for management of your participants from the beginning. As a rule, it suffices if you provide personal contact persons for queries as well as small 'incentives'.

Incentives need not necessarily correspond to a direct cash flow. Put yourself in the world of the people for a moment.

Find three creative solutions from the practice of eisq matching the respective project:

  • Sponsorship of a user group meeting with coffee and bread rolls (software)
  • Invitation of panel participants to an exclusive power plant tour (energy supplier - smart meter project)
  • Provide lucky tickets (service design eCommerce)

Inform panel participants

Remember to keep your panel members regularly informed. In our experience, every three to four weeks proves to be a useful frequency.


  • what you are working on – This will also show how much you value the input of the participants.
  • which surveys are currently running – very important! You thus give insight into what is happening and why perhaps a group of your panel is not currently receiving a survey.


Experimental values from your consultants:

As a rule, small panelswith, for example, three or four subgroups of 40-50people each suffice to develop a new service, a new product. Conversely, a size of approximately 150 to 200 persons is sufficient to receive regularly relevant input for you and at the same time to keep your effort manageable.

Good to know:

  • With eisq, experienced pilots are at your side.
  • Reach your destination more safely and maximise your results.
  • Feel free to use us as a clock generator or sparring partner.

Challenge yourself with us.

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