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From the idea to success - 6 of 7

From the idea to success - 6 of 7

From the idea via the MVP (minimum viable product) to success with the help of a dedicated panel

Thanks to our 7 tips, you can create profitable new services even more securely.

For which situations is the procedure suitable?

  • You are dealing with new (digital) businessmodels.
  • You are planningnew digitalservices as a classic company.
  • You are expanding your portfolio with new digitalservices.

Part 1 is dedicated to the basics. Everything starts with good organisation: planning, outlining, arranging. The 2nd part deals with the synchronisation and development of questions. Now it's time for your own panel, to which you direct your questions in episode 3. In the subsequent issue 4, you develop your minimum viable product, which you now submit to your panel (part 5).


Sixth - Evaluate, decide, optimise

Good to know – MVP in this context:

  • Your service/digital product is in the first stage of development testable by customers.
  • It contains your planned essential function(s), which is/are aimed at the needs of the target group that you have previously identified - the minimum possible scope of the functions.


How does your panel assess the success of your idea? What happens next?

You have the feedback from your panel here. Gradually, you first asked a small and then increasingly large group about your new service.

  • Collectively evaluate the feedback from your project team.
  • Evaluate your idea as soberly and neutrally as possible on the basis of the feedback.

You thus avoidtypical stumbling blocks in this context.

  1. Keep in mind that your panel is made up of people specifically selected for your needs. Therefore, do not doubt the feedback! -> This happens frequently because developers naturally stand by their idea and work.
  2. Accept criticism, take up suggestions and keep your eye on the target. -> Sometimes the thoughts of your selected subjects bubble up at you far beyond the actual intention. Under certain circumstances, the people may develop completely new ideas and approaches. In some cases you may receive harsh feedback and judgements. The art consists in accepting and classifying the points.

Decide quickly

Do you reject the idea or pursue it?

If it goes further, it means optimising.

  • Further develop your MVP.
  • Prepare your product.
  • Plan the next stages until market entry.
  • At this point you mastered the important step 'Decide to implement MVP'.


Look forward to Part 7.



Experimental values from your consultants:

Good to know:

  • With eisq, experienced pilots are at your side.
  • Reach your destination more safely and maximise your results.
  • Feel free to use us as a clock generator or sparring partner.

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